The Time We Almost Finished the Office

So I’m pleased to say that the “base” part of the new Nine Zero Three Photography office is completed, finally. I’m in the process of going through previous sessions and choosing some of my favorite images so we can turn them into all of the fun things that our clients have access to purchase: canvases, metal prints, acrylic prints, etc. so the walls are an empty slate for me to decorate (YAY) but the bare bones of the office are done and now I’m sharing. Well, really I’m sharing because I’ve had probably 5-6 people consistently asking me about the office and when I was going to share more since our previous post on the office was back in March.

Mad props to the most wonderful husband, carpenter, technical advisor, nerdy engineer.. you get the idea.. Jim for dedicating so much time to helping me transform this front room of our house. He laid the floor (with some help in the beginning from our good friend Brett – thanks again man!), he installed new baseboards, he installed the chair rail, hung curtain rods, and most of all he listened to my crazy ramblings about what to do and where things should go. Without him, this office makeover would not have been possible. It’s one thing for me to have a vision, it’s another thing for him to bring it to life for me. 😀

Without further ado, here you all go! I added some fun before/after at the end of the post so you can see how far the office has come since we moved in (which is sort of cheating since we moved in and changed it a lot, and then changed it again for this office but still.. you get the idea).

(NOTE: Yes, my computer has a mouse. I actually put it in a drawer because for some reason the desk just looked weird with it on there. I’m aware that’s a little strange and sort of OCD but I’m just rolling with it. If you need to imagine it with the mouse then please, feel free.)

black gold white office

black gold white office

black gold white office

black gold white office

black gold white office

black gold white office

black gold white office

black gold white office

And by this point, Charlie decided that it was important for people to see that he hangs out in the office with me while I work. He says “hey”.

NZT office-9

NZT office-11

So this office has come a LONG way since we moved in. When we first moved in to this house, everything was painted a taupe-ish off white color, so this room was instantly painted a very light blue color just to keep it light but make it so it wasn’t, well, taupe-ish off white. You can see that old color to the right of this room in the photo below. The shadows make it look more yellow than it was but still, you get the idea.

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The next photo would be the wall that has the gold stripes on it now. You can even see our old kitchen cabinets before I did a crazy project to change them all to an espresso brown. Weird to see for me!

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Look at all that brown trim, yuck! It kinda makes me shudder at remembering painting ALL of that trim white. It took but it was SO worth it. This is the wall where the couch is now.

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Sooooo, what do you all think of the new office look? And who’s excited for me to get some art on the walls?!

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